Sunday September 10, 2023
9 mins of 30sec work / 30sec rest
3 rounds:
1. Inch worms
2. Box step ups w/ 10/15 lb plate
3. Wall balls
This first part is not for reps. Take it at a medium pace. Use these first 9 mins as a warmup/primer for the workout.
Rest ~5 minutes then:
9 min AMRAP
3 Hang Power Snatches (55/75)
3 Overhead Squats
30 Double Unders (or 50 singles)
Add 3 reps to the hang power snatch and OH squats each round. So, round 1 is 3/3/30, round 2 is 6/6/30, round 3 is 9/9/30, etc…
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